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Unity Editor Window (Part 3)

Unity Editor Hello, Unity Dev’s I am back again with Part 3 of Creating custom editor window in unity. In today’s blog we will look around: “How to load Textures files from resource folder and create our buttons.” Step1. Gather some images related to the headers of our sub-toolbars or if you are good at photoshop create some, btw I have zero skills when it comes to photoshop so I am goanna gather images from internet. Once we have are images ready drag them into respected folder under root folder Resources. It will look something like this: Step2. Scripting   Now we need to create a function which will be called once whenever we will switch from sub-tabs. Hmmmm, so how to do that!!! First create a function and name it as per your want’s I have named mine as: “MakeWindow” Then write down these lines: Create two variables a list: to store our loaded texture...

Different ways to move object and finding distance between two objects.

In unity one can move a gameobject with few different ways some of them are: 1st way transform.Translate(0, 0, 2); By writing this piece of line your object will start moving forward in z Direction. 2 nd way is using vector 3 transform.position += new Vector3(0, 0, 2);       By writing this piece of line the gameobject moves same as in above, this line adds 2 on z in every frame of transform.postion. Note (Transform with capital ‘T’ is used for type declaration like: Transform Player-this will make a player variable of type transform, whereas transform starting with small ‘t’ is used to call the gameobject on which the script is attached or to use the transform property of any gameobject.) For e.g. Gameobject Player; Player.transform.position; 3rd way transform.Translate(Vector3.forward); By writing this line gameobject on whom script is attach to will start moving forward. To move a gameobject backward simply write- tran...

Transform Component

Transform In unity every gameobject has a default component transform attach to it which you cannot remove. To verify the above statement create an empty gameobject and you will notice that a transform component is pre attached to it. This is because a transform component is used for the position, rotation and scaling of any object. Positioning is mainly used to move an object or to calculate distance between two objects, Rotation is used to rotate an object and scaling is used to resize an object. You can play with this values in the inspector as well as using a script. To understand how the transform works we first have to understand the 3-axis of 3d world Which are x, y, z. Position X-is used for left and right movement Y-is used for up and down movement Z-is used for back and forward movement. Whereas in rotation this axis differ from position. Rotation X-is used to rotate up and down like when...

GetComponent Properties

GetComponent Properties A particular component has several properties. For E.g., Component Rigidbody has properties as mass, drag, angular drag, use gravity and so on. To check the properties of a component you are working on visit Unity official site for scripting API. In over examples today I am going to work on RigidBody Component. Overall Scene View. Example 1 Rigidbody: 1.  Changing mass of a body. Step1- Create a new scene add a Button in your scene, a sphere and add component rigidbody to the sphere. Step2-  Create a script Name it anything meaningful and Write the following code. Add your Script to Sphere by simply dragging it to the object in hierarchy or in inspector. Step3-  Select your button from the hierarchy and in inspector click on the plus button under Onclick() of the button. Drag the object on which script is attach to and drop ...


GetComponents<type>() What if we want to get ‘n’ number of component of same type in a gameobject? What if you have a player having its body parts distributed as Legs, Arms, body and head? And you want to get all the mesh rendered or colliders of the gameobjects? In this type of scenarios we will use GetComponent<type> insist of GetComponents<type>. GetComponents is majorly use when we have a hierarchy like structure of gameobjects each having the component to be used. So let’s start and firstly make a model of player in unity using simple 3D objects. Like This:   Getting Components Step1: Add more than 1 box Collider to gameobject named as player. Step2: Create a script and attach it to your player gameobject. Step3: Write the following code: Step4: Save the script and scene you will notice a BoxColl named field will appear with an arrow sign with label size in it...


GetComponent<type>() In unity every Gameobject has some components attach to it.Components like gameobject’s- transform, image, text, collider, rigidbody, script. All these are components of a gameobject. To know the components attach to a specific gameobject just select the gameobject and in inspector all its components can be seen. Now how to use all this components using script. This can be achieved in many ways but the basic is using getcomponent<type>() function. Getting the Whole component Step1: Write the following code. Step2: Save the script head to unity, create a gameobject name finder and attach the script. You will notice that two dialog box will appear one with type meshrenderer and second as boxcollider. Play the game and you will notice that dialog box will be filled with the cube box collider and cube mesh renderer. Now we can play with this components and their properties. Let’s understand what jus...


In Unity everything we work on is a GameObject, either it is a cube, a car, a plane, UI or Particle effects. Each GameObject have its own component. The basic component in all GameObject is his transform. Transform component is deals with position rotation and scaling of that GameObject. Components will be discussed in later post today we are going to learn about GameObject only. Now as we know all the things in our active scene is a GameObject, but as a programmer how can we access those GameObject and their components using our script. Note: Scripts are also Components of our GameObject. Actually this is pretty easy and can be done in many ways. First Way :  Drag and Drop the GameObject into script in inspector window. Step1: Create a script name it as you feel like and attach it to an empty GameObject. To create an empty GameObject right click in hierarchy window and click on empty GameObject. Step2: Write the following code. ...